Autres langues JAPAN 10Y Cash


Temps Différé OTC Data Services 22:00:03 31/05/2024 Varia. 5j. Varia. 1 janv.
1,062 %  0.000 Graphique intraday de JAPAN  10Y Cash +6.842 +68.51
Japan Data Confirms First Currency Intervention Since 2022 -- Update
Interest Rates, Property Markets Blunt Asian Stock Markets
Higher Interest Rates Lower Asian Stock Markets
Bank of Japan Reports Record Stock Gains for Last Financial Year
JGB yields leap to more than a decade peak on BOJ policy jitters
Japan's Nikkei sheds early gains amid rising JGB yields
Japanese Shares Close Lower as JGB Yields Hit 12-Year High
JGB yields leap to more than a decade peak on currency, BOJ policy jitters
Japan's Nikkei erases gains as JGB yields rise
Higher Interest Rates Roil Asian Stock Markets
Borsa Tokyo : Nikkei chiude in rialzo dello 0,66%, spinta da finanziari
Benchmark JGB yield rises to 12-year peak on BOJ tightening bets
Morning bid: Buoyant start to 'Nvidia week'
Los rendimientos de la deuda de EEUU suben e impulsan los de Japón, que alcanzan máximos de una década
Japan yields hit decade highs as US yields rise, BOJ tightening in focus
Week Ahead for FX, Bonds : PMI Surveys, Asia -2-
Week Ahead for FX, Bonds : PMI Surveys, Asia -2-
JGB yields track US peers higher; BOJ refrains from further purchase cuts
Foreign investors snap up long-term Japan bonds after three-week selling streak
Los rendimientos de la deuda japonesa caen al centrarse la atención en el IPC de EEUU
Las acciones mundiales operan cerca de máximos históricos a la espera de dato inflación EEUU
World shares rest near record highs ahead of US inflation data
World shares little changed ahead of US inflation data
Borsa Tokyo : indice Nikkei chiude in rialzo dello 0,46% a 38.356 punti
Asia shares hit 15-month high as traders wait for CPI
JGB yields hit fresh decade-highs on rate-hike bets
Asia shares hit 15-month high as traders wait for CPI
Daiwa Comments on Japanese Government Bonds on Monday
Bank of Japan Reduces Japanese Government Bond Purchases, Lifting Yields But Not Yen, Says Mitsubishi UFG
JGB yields jump to multi-year highs as BOJ cuts bond purchases
BOJ cuts JGB purchase amount in hawkish signal to market
Los rendimientos de la deuda japonesa suben tras una débil subasta, a la espera de del BoJ
JGB yields rise on weak auction; BOJ rate outlook eyed
JGB yields touch decade peaks amid rising US yields, hawkish BOJ
JGB yields mixed as BOJ keeps bond purchase offers unchanged
Los rendimientos del JGB suben mientras la subasta para aumentar la liquidez sugiere una débil demanda
BOJ Board Members Agree Financial Markets Should Set Long-Term Interest Rates: March Meeting Minutes
Many in BOJ board saw need for yields to be set by markets, minutes show
JGB yields rise with US peers, yen steady as Fed outcome awaited
Los rendimientos de la deuda japonesa caen en sintonía con los de EEUU tras comentarios del BoJ
JGB yields drop in sympathy with US peers amid dovish BOJ
Japan's yen jumps against the dollar after earlier plunge
Dollar a tad softer as markets wait for Fed
Tokyo Inflation Cools In March, Though Education-Subsidy Cited
Bank of Japan Leaves Benchmark Rate Unchanged; Sees Slower Growth in 2024
-40% Offre à Durée Limitée : Nos abonnements vous guident vers les meilleurs investissements de demain.